Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Best Gubbain Award

So., here we are!... eager for the awards... to know who is where..... who leads.... who trails..... and what happend to that..? etc etc

Shall we have the award categories now....

NB: Click on the graphs for a better view of the tally.

1. Here we re looking for the most reliable, dependable, responsible Gubbian male. The male with whom we can share our sorrows and expect support, care and strong shoulders.

And the award goes to....... Jnanendra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Close misses were Anil, Arun & Kumar Bhavaji. So girls out there, you know whom to rely on in crisis! Do you?

2. Imagine a grave crisis where our country has no politician and one among us has to vouch for the leadership. So who amongst us is most suitable to be the political boss, the man with the flag, the hero to lead the nation and the personality to be heard by all.....

So the Mr Gubbian neta is....................Manju Bhavaji.

Kiran & Jnani have to better be happy with opposition party position. And offcourse the poll also flelt that none of us can be country's leaders (what!!?)

3. There should be no gender bias... Only awards for Guys and nothing yet for Gals??
We wanted to know the allrounder. The female Gubbian who is tough, strong by heart, who can stand pressure, breeze, tsunami and who can sustain difficult times. Who can come out victorious and can be a great source of inspiration.....(oofh Breathless)

So the Miss (Mrs) overall is....................Sunitha.

Close contendor was Prathima.... But we all know she too deserved....

4. Slow & steady wins the race.... We know this. So whats big deal?? Here we re on the look for a guy who is seen as relaxing, taking time and thinking. Well not to beat around the bush.... we directly wanted to know who is the laziest Gubbian of all. And the poll showed... (its not my decision bro)........The Limelite is now on ...............Anil

Not be left out... Manju Bhavaji & Vinay could make Anil run for his 1st place (did we say... laziest??)

5. Now ...who dosent like Jokes?? (Applause!!)

Thats not any joke... But we have a very talented, hilarious, witty, funny and tickling Gubbian. He is judged as the man with funny bone... SO he is ........................... Sudhakar!!!

What a combination with Prakash, Jnani, Manju & Sudhakar together. The next day news headlines reads "Mass killings by lethal jokes"

6. We say.. Dress well, dress to the occassion. Dress comfortably and neatly. Some stand out and get noticed. So who is the Gubbian lass with good sence of dressing, fashion and attire. ... The award for the best dressed Gubbian female goes to...... Dr Shilpa.
Infact with the opinion poll.. it seems that we can have a fashion industry out here with close contendors like Ujwala, Deepa & Niki

7. Did you say.. Most Hardworking !! May be all thought that creating a opinion poll like this is Hard work.. So I was adjudged as the Most Hard working Male on earth....! (Not to be over ambitious... its just among Gubbians). So its Dr Arun ......!

Kumar Bhavaji & Vinay are working hard to be Hard working!! They are the close contenders.

8. Bond with the Best....Guess whose ad is this?? The moment we say.. Mr Bond (James Bond) what strikes is the appearance of a neatly dressed male with suit, clean shaven, smart looking, dashing, macho looking hero...,except for Daniel Craig who hardly wears any suit ( to show off his muscles).
Among the Gubbian we have the best dressed male and the award goes to.....Anil & Naghraj together. By the way.. all of us are dressed well. The comfortness and the good appearence may not be balanced always!

Anil & Raj... any tips..!

9. Who said.. Cooking is difficult. ( All women say so.. ) All great chefs in the world are men .. Hey guys!!! All we have to care is to get salt, sour & spice in proper proportion to any dish. Thats all.... and here we get the tasty, yummy delicacy done. And the Gubbian male who has all his hands in the hot spices is..................Dr Arun!
Well.. Nagharaj.. shall we jointly open a food joint!? Raj is adjudged the second best.

10. Once speaking to Anil at a restaurant we asked " Anil.... Do you like Chinese?".. Anil said " Yes! I love Chinese". Phat came the reply... "Then Why did you marry Prathima?"

hahahahahaha.... applause guys!

Who is the Gubbian female with best culinary skills?? The one who does variety of food. get great taste, makes you to chew your fingers, makes you put on weight and makes you to forget what is restaurant btw!

So the best female cook is not chinese... She is Prathima!

Prathim's Italian, Ujwala's Bakery stuff & Rajma and Deepa's Kebabs........ never tasted like em before.'

So.. thas it folks. Hope you all had a great time!

Please pen your comments here and let us all share the views. And off course the winners have to reply by thanks and some tips for all others.

